Urban Effects MedSpa Blog

Wish Your Acne Would Just DISAPPEAR?

Written by Susan Cross | Mar 14, 2018 12:16:00 AM

If you’re plagued by painful acne or haunted by the ghosts of pimples past, you know how frustrating and embarrassing the condition can be. Acne is the most common problematic skin condition in the United States today, and many people continue to suffer long beyond their teenage years.

Treating your acne can help restore your confidence, self-esteem, and radiance. Left untreated, acne can leave you with permanent dark spots and scars. There are numerous treatment options for both teens and adults who suffer from acne; there are also many options to help minimize the appearance of scarring and restore your skin’s beauty.


Treating Problematic Acne

There are many ways to combat the problem of persistent acne. Taking a multi-faceted approach can help improve your chances. Options include the following.


At-Home, Customized Skin Care Regimens

The American Academy of Dermatology advises that cleansing your skin regularly with gentle cleansers can help curb acne by keeping oil in check, but resist the urge to pick or scrub. To help gently remove dead skin cells and deeply cleanse your skin, you may want to supplement your at-home regimen with tools and products like Clarisonic cleansing devices, Obagi® skin care products, the Revision® Skincare line, or SkinMedica® products. Colorscience® products can also help to CALM the skin, protect with non-oily SPF, and provide beauty during the healing cycle.


Spa Skin Treatments

Spa skin treatments like light therapy, peels, laser acne removal treatments, and HydraFacial® infusions can help you keep acne flare-ups under control. The acne BroadBand Light™ (BBL) therapy (sometimes called the “zit zap” treatment) or Forever Clear BBL™ can yield overnight improvement, since they destroy the bacteria in the sebaceous glands, targeting acne right where it starts.



Nutrition and Lifestyle Changes

Research is conflicting and uncertain about the links between diet and acne, but evidence points to some connections. Eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins A, C, and E and Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids may be beneficial to your skin and overall health. Some supplements may also be beneficial. Working with a nutritionist may help you incorporate foods that work for your unique body chemistry to combat your acne and eliminate foods that exacerbate the problem.


Oral and Topical Prescription Medications

In conjunction with at-home care and nutrition, your dermatologist may recommend one or more oral or topical over-the-counter or prescription medications to combat acne. These may include products like benzoyl peroxide, salicylics, retinols, and topical or oral antibiotics for a limited time. In extreme cases, prescription Accutane may be necessary. Some of these treatments (may) have side effects like increased sensitivity to sun or UV light, so make sure you understand how they should be used and what the best options are for your skin health.


Treating Acne Scars

Inflamed acne blemishes can swell, causing a break in the follicular wall that allows their infected material to spill into the surrounding tissue and creates deep lesions. When the skin repairs the damage from these lesions and forms new collagen fibers, the new growth usually isn’t as smooth and flawless as the original skin. This results in an acne scar. As we age, these scars can become more noticeable because the skin loses collagen, which is the structural protein that gives it volume and structure. This process can stretch scars more tightly and make them appear more prominent.


There are many effective treatments available to reduce the appearance of acne scars, including laser treatments, peels, dermal fillers (like Bellafill®), and minor surgeries. A skilled nurse practitioner can combine these treatments to develop a customized plan for each client. A ProFractional™ laser treatment, alone or in conjunction with a Contour TRL™ skin resurfacing, can produce visible improvements, minimizing and lightening even very old acne scars. Most people experience improved skin and self-esteem after their first treatment, and multiple in-office treatments yield dramatic results. The Forever Young BBL™ treatment can also improve the appearance of skin, minimizing acne scars and pores with no downtime.


How a Skin Wellness Center Can Help You 

Whether you’re suffering from acne breakouts or agonizing over old acne scars, Urban Effects skin wellness center can help. Many of our spa treatments can often be initiated the same day as your skin consultation, bringing you relief quickly. A post-treatment makeup consultation and customized prescription skin care regimen can also aid in proper healing and a speedy recovery.


Contact Urban Effects skin wellness center in Urbandale, Iowa, for acne treatment, acne scar repair, and a wide variety of other MedSpa and skincare services.