Urban Effects MedSpa Blog

Dead Giveaways—Hands, Neck, and Decollete

Written by Susan Cross | Nov 14, 2018 8:43:00 PM

You’re diligent about your facial skin care regimen. You drink lots of water, eat healthy foods, exercise, and religiously apply sunscreen. Your makeup is non-toxic, non-comedogenic, and mineral-based. You feel confident that you’re putting your best face forward, but are your best efforts being subtly sabotaged? Not giving enough thought to the appearance of your neck, décolleté, and hands can undermine everything you do to maintain the youthful radiance of your face. 

Fortunately, there are options in skincare technology than ever before that can help rejuvenate the skin all over your body, including your hands, face, neck, and décolleté. Modern medspa professionals offer a wide variety of minimally invasive treatments that yield dramatic results with next to no downtime.


How do your hands, neck, and décolleté show your age?

Your hands take a lot of abuse since they are generally more exposed to the elements than most parts of your body. Frequent handwashing can strip away your skin’s natural oils, and exposure to cold and wind can further exacerbate cracked, dry skin. Most people don’t consistently apply sunscreen to their hands, which leaves them vulnerable to damage from ultraviolet (UV) rays. This can cause age spots, wrinkles, discoloration, and other signs of premature aging, as well increase your risk of skin cancers.

Because the skin on your hands is very thin, it shows the signs of aging faster than many other parts of your body. As you get older, your body naturally loses subcutaneous fat—the fat that’s located right under the skin. When this happens, due to the already thin skin on your hands, it may be even more apparent on your hands and show up as loose, wrinkly, crepey skin.

While the skin on your neck and décolleté is thicker than that on your hands, it is similarly fragile and frequently exposed to the damaging effects of the elements. It’s an area that is often overlooked when applying creams, moisturizers, and sunblock, too. Age spots, wrinkles, and discoloration in these areas, along with sagging skin, can reveal your true age even if your face still looks great.


How do you treat the signs of aging in the hands, neck, and décolleté? 

Broadband Light

Many of the new and innovative skin rejuvenation technologies can be used all over the body, including the hands, neck, and décolleté. BroadBand Light (BBL) technology, for example, can improve the look and feel of your skin and restore it to a level of radiance it hasn’t had for years. This procedure uses invisible infrared light pulsing at various wavelengths and with various filters to gently heat the upper layers of skin in the targeted area. This stimulates the skin cells to promote the generation of collagen, which is the main structural protein found in skin and connective tissues. New collagen helps plump up your skin and combat sagging, improving your skin’s elasticity and evening out its pigmentation. You can even start this treatment while your skin is still youthful to maintain its elasticity and delay the appearance of aging!


Laser Skin Resurfacing

Another option to improve the look and feel of aging skin is laser resurfacing, like the NanoLaserPeel™ or Contour TRL™ treatments. These procedures use laser technology to remove layers of the skin, speeding up its natural renewal process and immediately revealing smoother, younger-looking skin. This can be a great way to smooth out the appearance of lines and wrinkles and improve the look of tired, dull skin. Other laser treatments like ProFractional™ and Laser Genesis can be used to help stimulate new collagen growth using targeted laser energy pulses. These can reduce the appearance of scars and discoloration and improve the laxity of thin skin in all areas of the body.


RF Microneedling

An exciting new technology called the Cutera Secret RF uses fractional radio frequency (RF) waves to make microneedling even more effective. During this process, tiny needles deliver precisely controlled RF energy at various depths into the skin, from 0.5 mm to 3.5 mm, which causes tissue coagulation and hemostasis. This is a fancy way of saying the procedure helps your body begin creating new collagen, resulting in long-lasting improvements for fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, photoaging, and other blemishes on your face, neck, and décolleté.



Injectable dermal fillers can help replace the youthful plumpness that’s missing from aging hands. Two hyaluronic acid fillers, Restylane Silk and Juvederm Volbella XC, are especially suited for subtly increasing volume and smoothing the appearance of lines and wrinkles.


Which procedure is right for you? 

Whether you’re hoping to reduce signs of aging in your hands, neck, décolleté, or other areas of the body, there are various treatments available to fit your needs. From spa treatments to laser technology and injectables, you can take advantage of a customized approach to your skin care goals. Each skin treatment offers a specific set of advantages, and many require minimal downtime and aftercare. With guidance from your skin care professional, you’ll be able to determine which treatment procedure will help you best achieve the results you want to see.


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